LIVEtsp at RTD adjusts traffic signals in real-time allowing them to spend less time at red lights resulting in shorter travel times and more efficient routes. - Photo: Canva

LIVEtsp at RTD adjusts traffic signals in real-time allowing them to spend less time at red lights resulting in shorter travel times and more efficient routes.

Photo: Canva

In collaboration with Denver’s Regional Transportation District (RTD), Mattersoft, a wholly-owned member of the INIT Group, successfully deployed its first live Traffic Signal Priority (LIVEtsp) project in the U.S.

The innovative pilot empowers smart traffic control, resulting in improved schedule adherence and better on-time vehicle performance, according to the company.

Mattersoft’s LIVEtsp Solution

LIVEtsp, has been configured at 22 of RTD’s key intersections throughout the Denver area. The system supports up to 400 vehicles online simultaneously and manages approximately 3,000 TSP requests daily.

Real-time vehicle data, including GPS positions, is received from on-board computers via mobile networks. Due to its centralized nature, the system requires no additional vehicle hardware and only a small modem and basic relay in each traffic control cabinet.

IT remarked, "RTD is excited about the new conditional TSP feature,” said Eric Farrington, RTD sr. project manager. “It lets our buses skip priority requests when they're ahead of schedule or empty, making our service smarter and more efficient."

How It Works

Priority requests are swiftly processed on the server based on incoming vehicle data and transmitted to the city’s traffic signal controllers through a seamless cellular connection from the LIVEtsp backend.

The web-based user interface provides a real-time map showing vehicle positions once per second for real-time accuracy and offers comprehensive performance reports with valuable insights into system performance and optimization opportunities.

LIVEtsp at RTD adjusts traffic signals in real-time allowing them to spend less time at red lights resulting in shorter travel times and more efficient routes.

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