Northfield Lines was purchased in 2023, by Bryce Barry - Photo: Northfield Lines

Northfield Lines was purchased in 2023, by Bryce Barry

Photo: Northfield Lines

IMG announced Eagan, Minn.’s Northfield Lines rejoined the network, bringing the number of IMG operators to 54 across North America.

Northfield Lines was purchased in 2023, by Bryce Barry. Having worked with the Benjamin Family, the original owners of Northfield Lines for over 20 years, Barry has been closely involved in Northfield Lines growth and delivery of exceptional service to the Midwest Region.

Today, the company has 36 motorcoaches and 68 employees all looking toward an exciting future.

Northfield/IMG Reactions

“It is truly an honor to be part of the IMG network and continue our partnership with the other operator of the network. Northfield Lines will continue and looks forward to upholding the high standards of an IMG operator,” said Barry. “I have had great experience with IMG and understand the value IMG brings to the team at Northfield Lines”

“It is tremendous to have Northfield Lines back as part of the IMG family,” said IMG President Bronwyn Wilson. “Bryce and his team share the values of IMG and have a commitment to actively engage with the network and our customers as we collectively strive to be the very best”

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